2021年3月31日 星期三
Washington is keeping the pressure on Beijing
Wed, Mar 31, 2021 page8
Washington is keeping the pressure on Beijing
By Chin Heng-wei 金恒煒
The big question after US President Joe Biden was elected was whether he would change former US president Donald Trump’s China policies. Since his inauguration, Biden has lived up to the general expectation that he would not, although he has changed strategy.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has repeatedly stressed that Trump’s tough stance on China was correct and said it was helpful to US foreign policy. While continuing Trump’s China policy, the Biden administration has been working to cooperate with democratic countries to “contain” China.
Trump laid bare Chinese President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) aspiration to become an “emperor” and made Americans confront China’s uncivilized rise head-on, paving the way for an effective tactic for the post-Trump era.
In a two-pronged approach, the White House and the US Congress are opposing China. The US’ Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act has been reintroduced in Congress, which would “authorize the president to use military force for the purpose of securing and defending Taiwan against armed attack,” while a congressional resolution has been proposed calling for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the US, the abandonment of the “one China” policy, and the recognition of Taiwan as an independent state.
Two things in particular are annoying China: First, US Navy Admiral Philip Davidson has said that the US must continue “consistent and persistent arms sales” to Taiwan and the US’ strategic ambiguity should be “reconsidered routinely.”
At a meeting at the US House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee, Blinken said that a push for Taiwan to be granted WHO membership would be initiated and that he would invite Taiwan, which he referred to as a “country,” to a democracy summit hosted by Biden.
The second irritant to China is the attempt to contain it. The US and the EU agreed on a temporary suspension of mutual tariffs on aircraft, wine, food and other products with the goal to focus on China, while it restarted the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with Australia, India and Japan in shared opposition to Beijing.
On March 16, Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin met with Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Toshimitsu Motegi and Japanese Minister of Defense Nobuo Kishi in Tokyo. The two parties stressed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
Blinken traveled to Alaska for talks with China. The US intentionally picked remote Alaska for the meeting after China held a Sino-US summit in Urumqi in Xinjiang. The political significance is self-evident.
Prior to the US meeting, Washington announced sanctions on 24 Chinese officials for eroding democracy in Hong Kong, and revoked authorization for China Unicom Americas and Pacific Networks to provide US telecommunications services, causing China to lose face.
After the talks in Alaska, the heat was turned up further. Japan let it be known, via a Kyodo report, that the US and Japan would cooperate closely should China make aggressive moves against Taiwan; the EU — for the first time in 30 years — placed sanctions on China due to human rights abuses; and 23 Republican lawmakers wrote a letter calling on Biden to initiate talks on signing a free-trade agreement with Taiwan, while US representatives proposed a bill to add Taiwan to the “NATO Plus” group of Washington allies.
China’s hegemonic behavior, and the way it treats its own citizens, minorities such as the Tibetans and Uighurs, as well as Hong Kongers, comes as little surprise to Taiwan, but now the world is seeing the sense in containing China.
Chin Heng-wei is a political commentator.
Translated by Perry Svensson and Paul Cooper
2021年3月25日 星期四
)圍堵中國 川普蓋棺拜登錘釘
自由廣場》(金恒煒專欄)圍堵中國 川普蓋棺拜登錘釘
2021/03/25 05:30
拜登政府與國會雙軌進行抗中路線,國會再度祭出「防止台灣遭侵略法案」,且授權美國總統在必要時,「有限度動用武力」來防衛台灣;更有議員進一步提出決議案,呼籲台美建交,摒棄過時的「一中政策」,承認台灣為獨立國家。真正惹惱中國的有兩大代誌:一是印太司令部司令戴維森(Philil Davison)表示,美國須持續穩定對台軍售,定期檢視「戰略模糊」的適時性;更直接的來自布林肯,在眾院外交委員會上承諾推動台灣參加世衛組織,邀請台灣參與拜登總統籌辦的「民主高峰會」,直稱台灣為「國家」。
美中會談後,中國馬上嚐到苦頭。日本透過「共同社」報導內幕,一旦台灣「有事」,美日將「密切合作」。歐盟首次用人權名義制裁中國,三十年來未有。美國的回應更直接,廿三位議員致函總統,呼籲與台灣啟動FTA洽簽進程,更有眾議員提出法案,將台灣視為「北約加」(NATO Plus)國家,在日本、澳州、南韓、紐西蘭之外,網羅台灣。
2021年3月18日 星期四
2021/03/18 05:30
四大公投案中,「公投綁大選」及「反萊豬」是國民黨主席江啟臣推出的熱點,重點不在成不成功,毋寧是為連任鋪路,果然帶動了藍營一蹶不振的聲勢。兩公投案二階段連署破七十萬,國民黨召開記者會,表示要在「江啟臣就職滿兩週年」才送件,可見目的所在。此外,同時宣佈協助民團發起的「珍愛藻礁公投」。有意思的是,國民黨從來就是環保的破壞者,馬英九時代決議開發藻礁達二三二公頃,如今卻搖身一變,成為反對的一方!當然是收割環團成果,揩油、吃豆腐兼撈政治油水。這還不是最奇,一方面「護藻礁」,一方面「啟核四」,一面挺環團 、一面打環團,民進黨批評國民黨「護藻礁」的真正目的是「重啟核四」,有理。現在的老K打過去的老K,不稀奇,但把錯亂的矛盾帶進了人民選擇中,極不道德。
2021年3月11日 星期四
2021/03/11 05:30
2021年3月4日 星期四
2021/03/04 05:30
中國對台越逼越緊,難怪全球都關注中國會不會或幾時會打台灣?卻較少考慮到更迫切且可能的議題:中國共產黨會不會或幾時會垮?中國的最大危機在習大大,誠如觀察中國達六十年的孔傑榮(Jerome Cohen )所說:「習近平正播下反對他的種子;習獨裁終會像毛獨裁一樣成為過去。」一九六八年十一月,孔傑榮與費正清、傅高義等哈佛、哥大及麻省理工學院九名教授聯名建言剛選上總統的尼克森,派員到北京與中共密晤。不到三年,尼克森派季辛吉密訪中國。孔傑榮承認自己對中國「莫可奈何」,重點是,他認為「拜登沒有從川普提升台灣的政策上退卻」,值得稱許云。
Jaw Shaw-kong walked into a trap
Home Editorials
Wed, Mar 03, 2021 page8
By Chin Heng-wei 金恒煒
Broadcasting Corp of China chairman Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康), who has rejoined the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) after nearly three decades, has said that he wants to be the KMT’s chairman and presidential candidate.
Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) said that Jaw has got it wrong from the start and risks losing everything.
The KMT seems unwilling to amend its requirement that only people who have been a party member for at least one year can stand for election as chairperson.
Furthermore, KMT Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) said he wants to run for a second term.
With his party chairman dream in tatters, Jaw also has little chance of running for president.
Jaw has got himself into an awkward situation that looks like the “Soong Mayling (宋美齡) trap.” After former president Chiang Kai-shek’s (蔣介石) death in 1975, his wife Soong Mayling was no match for his son Chiang Ching-kuo (蔣經國), who was a fully fledged politician, so she flew off to the US on a chartered plane. Once she was there, she could no longer influence the political situation in Taiwan.
Following Chiang Ching-kuo’s death in 1988, Soong thought she could make a comeback, but she had to grudgingly accept that the much-changed political environment would no longer allow her to have a say in national affairs. All she could do was dream of her lost kingdom. For all her power and influence, “dragon empress” Soong could not make a comeback after 13 years abroad.
Jaw is not only puny compared with Soong, he has also spent 25 years in the garbage can of history. Does he really think he can make a comeback?
Whereas Soong was stuck in the Chiang-era fantasy of “counterattacking the mainland” and refusing to coexist with “outlaw” communist China, Jaw is stuck in the context of 25 years ago.
Jaw faces a younger generation that believes in “natural independence,” but he wants to link up with China.
He is way out of touch with public opinion. Jaw wants Taiwan to buy COVID-19 vaccines from China, but a poll by Global Views Monthly showed that only 1.3 percent of Taiwanese would receive a Chinese vaccine.
Jaw’s political naivete does not stop there. He has also been clamoring for President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), as chairperson of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to pledge that she will not pursue Taiwanese independence.
First of all, the DPP has a “Taiwan independence charter” and everyone knows it as a “Taiwan independence party,” so even if Tsai does not wish to pursue independence, she could not defy the party line.
Second, if the DPP ever dropped its demand for Taiwanese independence, it would immediately turn into “KMT 2.1.” The DPP knows full well that the KMT’s niche is already occupied.
Third, whether Taiwan pursues independence would be decided by the public. Even China knows that this is unstoppable, so how could a few phrases of empty rhetoric from Jaw subdue Tsai or crush the Taiwanese independence trend?
Fourth, China’s annexation and poor treatment of Hong Kong prove that being “pro-China” is a dead-end. On an ideological and institutional level, the struggle between independence and unification is also one between democracy and dictatorship. If Taiwan had not been democratized, would there be any such thing as “independence”?
The latest issue Jaw has brought up is that of a parliamentary Cabinet system.
He is unhappy about the president having all the power, with no checks and balances. Alluding to the March 19, 2004, assassination attempt on then-president Chen Shui-bian and then-vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) when they were running for a second term, Jaw went out on a limb by saying: “It feels great to be the president, with all that power. When a president does not want to step down, that is what led to the ‘two bullets incident.’”
Jaw lost the thread even more when he said “President Tsai Ing-wen still has about three years in office and cannot serve another term, so why does not she push for a Cabinet system now?”
Jaw said that if Tsai does not do so, he would push for a Cabinet system in his first year after being elected president.
He also said that if he succeeds in getting the relevant laws amended, he would eventually stand for election as a legislator and aim to become prime minister. He is definitely counting his chickens before they are hatched.
Taiwan’s system of government is not so much a presidential system as a super-presidential one. Why did then-president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) want to amend the Constitution in 1997 to remove the Legislative Yuan’s power to approve the premier? It was because he thought that former vice president Lien Chan (連戰) of the KMT would be elected president and that the DPP would win a legislative majority. He got it half right.
If Tsai were to amend the Constitution to implement a Cabinet system, the DPP would definitely stay in government forever. Tsai would remain in power in three years’ time, and she could even be in office longer than former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher’s 11 years and the 15-year reign of soon-to-depart German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Chin Heng-wei is a political commentator.
Translated by Julian Clegg
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