2021年12月30日 星期四


自由廣場》(金恒煒專欄)台灣的民主運作及實踐 2021/12/30 05:30 民進黨是不是在國會玩了貓捉老鼠的把戲?而且一玩再玩;這是個有趣的權力遊戲案例。到底是不是民進黨先佈下棋局,然而兵不血刃的讓在野的國民黨乖乖就範?值得一談。 民進黨在四大公投完勝之後,以迅雷不及掩耳之勢,將整會期躺在委員會的「總預算案」,火速送院會「逕付二讀」。宣佈停審總預算的國民黨猝不及防,遂指控「國會墮落」、「連六錯」云云。有趣的是,民進黨在鐵槌將落未落之際,與國民黨立院黨團進行協商,表面看是各退一步,民進黨提「覆議」讓預算案重回委員會,換得國民黨收回「拒審」的成議,春節前的臨時會完成三讀。民進黨這齣「捉放曹」戲碼,不費一兵一卒就繳了國民黨的械,總預算案芝麻開了門。 民進黨一招得逞,接著又把〈地制法〉修正草案逕付二讀,國民黨強力霸佔主席台抗爭,院長游錫堃宣佈休會,也同樣的協商後回到委員會審查。民進黨繼續施加力道:一方面總召柯建銘強悍表示,真要把地制法逕付二讀,反正大家在立院都輪了三天四夜,「包圍起來就幹了!」另一方面,提出大新竹合併升格的新竹市長林智堅丟出震撼彈,宣佈不會參選二○二二年大新竹合併的首任市長,形同以肉餒虎,一舉堵住了國民黨「英人設市」、「狼狽為堅」的口實。儘管國民黨上至黨中央下到新竹縣長楊文科或趙少康之流還嘴硬,自打耳光的說:「竹竹併與林智堅選不選無關」,那「狼狽為堅」是放狗屁嗎?彰化縣長王惠美急著送出彰化縣升格為直轄市的計劃書到內政部,看來是一計不成再生一計,讓民進黨接燙手山芋。然而不然。王惠美的出招不啻證成了地制法修法的合理性。 民進黨敢於兩案先後「逕付二讀」,也是有法可援,那就是〈立法院職權行使法〉第八條第二項「出席委員提議,二十人以上連署或附議」後,得「逕付二讀」。重點是民進黨行政權在握且國會過半,再加上公投四案全贏,國民黨主席與政黨支持度雙雙下挫。民進黨得以碾壓國民黨所憑仗的就是實力。 離開政治多年的宋楚瑜,透過臉書竟摻一腳論三案。立院攻防,老宋說:「經過媒體大幅報導及在野黨大肆批判後,民進黨最終同意復議」云云,渾不知是掉入「山人妙計」中。台北市長柯文哲停發重陽敬老金被議會否決,覆議失敗,向行政院函報無效聲請。老宋認為覆議被否決,「當前世界民主慣例」是「接受或辭職」。依〈直轄市自治法〉,柯市長只有接受之一途,聲訴無用、辭職不必。老宋譴責最厲、用字最多的其實是為台南市議會通過「台灣共和國」案,提案者是國民黨議員、黨中央為之緩頰,惹老宋惱火在此。市議員在議會發言、表決,「對外不負責任」,這就是民主。搬出所謂「大是大非」大帽子扣頭,請問黨國思維與「民主」何干?二○○四年連宋大選輸了,糾眾示威來翻案,那才是反民主。 老宋祭出「民主的承諾與使命」這類冠冕堂皇的古典民主理論,過時久矣,從熊彼得到道爾到杭廷頓的「另一種民主理論」已成定論;民主已脫離理性主義、烏托邦和理想主義的概念,不過是日用平常的「常識」用語。台灣的民主運作及實踐,就是明證。 (作者金恒煒為政治評論者;http://wenichin.blogspot.tw/)

2021年12月23日 星期四


自由廣場》(金恒煒專欄)國民黨公投「四大皆空」 2021/12/23 05:30 四大公投案以「四敗」收場,一點也不奇怪;四公投案必吞苦果,毋寧是標準的「預知死亡事件」。選前擾擾嚷嚷,好像真的是執政黨要面對的四個強烈颱風,問題是,公投案的成敗與同意與不同意票之間,不知隔著幾千重公案;重點在「門檻」,「門檻」才是生死門。盯著民調起舞,那是劃錯重點,一著錯遂滿盤錯。 依〈公投法〉規定,公投案通過有兩個要件:一是有效同意票數多於不同意票;然而另一更具決定性,就是有效同意票達投票人總額四分之一。換句話說,四大公投的同意票要達到四九五萬多之後,才進入票數多少的比較。「門檻」是「天條」;沒達門檻,同意票即使比不同意票多再多,也是白搭。 國民黨先天的阿奇里斯腳踝就是票不夠。利用公投法做體制外的「倒閣」,基本上是蚍蜉撼大樹,可笑不量力。為什麼呢?上次大選,韓國瑜只拿到五百五十多萬票,加上宋楚瑜的六十多萬,不到七百萬;要逼出五百萬同意票?形同不可能任務。現在拿到三百九十五萬票,已是極大化,再多沒有了。 國民黨一起步大戰略就錯,沒有估算自己的斤兩,「弱勢」黨主席包山包海的把四個公投全攬在自己身上,以為可以像大衛一樣把巨人打倒。《孫子兵法》雖說已不合時宜,但裡面一句話很可借鑑:「小國之堅,大國之擒」,換一個字:「小黨之堅,大黨之擒」,完全合轍。把公投案變成政黨對決,朱大主席不自食苦果才怪。 戰略錯置,戰術上再多補強也很難扳回。國民黨對四公投的偌大信心,主要來自民調,尤其國民黨自家的「十方」民調,「重啟核四」略輸但在誤差範圍內,其他三公投都遙遙領先,「反萊豬」甚至到五成五比三成。黨內民調大大超前,民間的民調也與國民黨民調相當。國民黨被樂觀的民調衝昏頭了,被激情牽著走,只看到天邊的彩虹而忘記五百萬票天塹的難渡。 這也可以解釋公投案結果出來後,國民黨人不能接受,因為與預期心理的落差太大,或許患了投票後的創傷症候群。黨主席朱立倫在黨中央公開發言抨擊說,此次為第一次公投跟大選分開,結果就是把公投關回鳥籠裡,「公投已死」。前總統陳水扁在臉書上表達「深不以為然」的看法,尤其反將一軍表示,朱主席也輸過總統大選,難道也「選舉已死」?虐而謔矣。拿出「鳥籠公投」來說嘴,朱立倫難道不知道國民黨時代的公投法所設門檻高到二分之一!要拿到一千萬票才能過關。 公投案國民黨固然「四大皆空」,但選民也教訓了執政的民進黨。國民黨六百多萬票拿四百多萬票,藍軍回籠達六、七成多,但民進黨二○年大選拿到八百多萬票,竟攔腰斬為一半,與國民黨的同意票相差不多。這個警訊不知民進黨有沒有觸目驚心?重點是,公投不綁大選,公投案難如登天,號稱民主、進步的執政黨,好意思嗎?對黨名、黨魂能無愧嗎? (作者金恒煒為政治評論者;http://wenichin.blogspot.tw/)

2021年12月21日 星期二

公投綁大選 陳師孟主持 金恒煒主講

#綠色逗陣 #公投 #綠逗共跨麥 公投四案投票指南—公投綁大選 陳師孟主持 金恒煒主講 https://youtu.be/Qjp7bqls9bY

2021年12月16日 星期四


自由廣場》﹙金恒煒專欄﹚習大大:民主就是我、我就是民主! 2021/12/16 05:30 美國總統拜登召開全球首次〔民主高峰會 〕,排除中國不說,還邀請台灣與會,甚至讓香港民主派人士羅冠聰公開發表演講;不啻給習近平難看。「是可忍也孰不可忍」?「厲害」的「我的黨」不生氣怎可能?習大大不變臉怎可能?計將安出?簡單,兵來將擋,水來土淹,你開會我也開,你「民主」我也「民主」,而且我比你更、更、更民主。 中國外交部發表〈中國民主白皮書〉立還顏色,還搭配〔讀懂中國〕會議。前者強調具有中國特色的「全程人民民主」,反斥以美國為首的民主是「拉票時受寵,選舉後被冷落」。後者則由習近平視訊表達:「讀懂今天的中國,必須讀懂中國共產黨」。一份「白皮書」、一個「讀懂會」,宛如套套邏輯;反正老子說了算。 一個國家民不民主,或說要符合什麼條件才算民主?也許不那麼容易論辯,但是「不民主」一眼可以窺破。判別的基線,不難,有沒有選舉而已!有選舉固然不代表一定有民主,納粹德國、新加坡都是實例,但是沒有選舉一定不民主,則是鐵律。中國號稱有地區人民代表選舉,據報導最近北京、重慶的獨立候選人都受到警察壓制,連登記的門都進不去;地區選舉都不能落實,何況國家主席了。沒有經過人民選票的授權,習主席有臉奢談什麼「全程人民民主」? 習大大談民主,不禁想起胡適與辜鴻銘的笑謔。辜鴻銘說:「俗話有『監生拜孔子,孔子嚇一跳』」,胡適立刻替他續兩句:「『孔會』拜孔子,孔子要上吊!」略做說明。「監生」是用錢買到學籍的人,孔子自然沒見過;「孔會」就是「尊孔學會」,孔子看到寧可上吊算了。習大大談民主,德先生(Democracy)的反應一定與孔夫子一樣:「習主席拜德先生,德先生嚇一跳!」、「共產黨拜德先生,德先生要上吊!」 沒有選舉就沒有民主,如此而已。白皮書上表示:「一個國家是不是民主,應該由這個國家的人民來評判。」笑死人了,「人民評斷」能空口說白話!如何證成呢?沒有經過一人一票的民主程序,都是假的。更不必說中國連選舉的基本條件都付闕如:媒體姓「黨」,沒有第四權;在野黨都是花瓶,沒有反對黨,遑論其他了。 至於「讀懂今天的中國,必須讀懂中國共產黨」,潛台詞其實是「要讀懂中國共產黨,必須讀懂習主席」。講白點,習近平=中國共產黨=中國,不然習主席的民主如何可以等同「全程人民民主」!讀懂了嗎?史學家余英時說:「我在哪裡,中國就在哪裡!」不,習近平才代表中國,習主席說:我就是中國、中國就是我;民主就是我、我就是民主。不信?習大大下令「由中國的人民來評判」看看。記得魯迅說過:「王老爹的田就有幾百畝,他的話還會錯嗎?」習皇帝的話還會錯嗎? (作者金恒煒為政治評論者;http://wenichin.blogspot.tw/)

2021年12月14日 星期二

DPP has to push its own policies

Home Editorials Tue, Dec 14, 2021 page8 DPP has to push its own policies By Chin Heng-wei 金恆煒 The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) have been trading blows over the four hotly contested referendums to be held on Saturday. Both parties regard the referendums as a battle that neither can afford to lose. Compared with the ruling DPP, the KMT is on the offensive, and is short on power and resources. The most it can do is to fight with words. KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) and former KMT chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) have defined this referendum vote as a “citizens’ war,” pitting ordinary Taiwanese against the government. “The DPP is deploying its powers and endless resources against Taiwanese,” Chu said, while Chiang said: “If the four referendums fail to pass, it will be the failure of the public.” While the KMT has molded the referendum into a reflection of public will, it has bypassed the definition of referendums. The right to propose referendums is not the preserve of citizens. The Executive Yuan, the Legislative Yuan and the president are eligible to propose referendums. For example, former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) proposed the 2008 referendum on UN membership for Taiwan. To characterize the referendums as “citizens vs the government” is, of course, a political tactic, in which “the citizens” are an abstract entity, not a homogeneous group. With different classes, levels of welfare, communities, values and ideologies involved, the KMT cannot say that it represents “the citizens.” Political science academic Gordon Smith once characterized referendums into two groups: “controlled vs uncontrolled” and “pro-hegemonic vs anti-hegemonic.” If the timing and holding of the referendum vote is controlled by the government, then it is considered “controlled” and “pro-hegemonic.” If it is enacted on the initiative of citizens, it is “uncontrolled” and “anti-hegemonic.” Smith’s theory and research have proved that the former favors the ruling party, while the latter favors the opposition. In Taiwan’s case, the four referendums actually work against the DPP. While President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) proposed a “head-on battle” at the DPP’s National Convention, the KMT has been lambasting the DPP for “mixing party and state.” However, the KMT’s accusation could have only existed in the party-state system adopted by the KMT back when there was “one party, one principle, one leader,” and leaves no room for “alternative parties or internal factions.” It is impossible for the government to combine party and state in democratic Taiwan. As a democratic government runs on party politics, it is perfectly acceptable for the government to push the ruling party’s policies. Then there is the matter of administrative neutrality. The four referendum initiators held a news conference, excoriating the DPP administration for contravening administrative neutrality with regards to the referendums. “The ruling Democratic Progressive Party is exploiting administrative resources and the state apparatus for partisan gains, forcing civil servants to speak up for it,” Chiang said. KMT Legislator Chen Hsueh-shen (陳雪生) is withholding the budget review in protest against the issue. If we apply the theory of political economist Joseph Schumpeter, democratic politics is about campaigning for votes to win the right to rule. In other words, pushing for one’s policies after obtaining a mandate has nothing to do with neutrality. As the four referendums are related to the DPP’s policies, it is only fitting that the DPP deploys the “state apparatus” to promote its policies in a democratic regime. While the four referendums are “anti-hegemonic” for the KMT, they are about maintenance of hegemony for the DPP. There is no breach of neutrality when the DPP is promoting the policies of the Tsai administration, an action that perfectly fits into the parameters of responsible politics and party politics. Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation chairman Michael You (游盈隆) said the whole DPP was “acting in connivance,” while Representative to Germany Shieh Jhy-wey (謝志偉) said the party was “acting in solidarity.” No matter what, there is no denying that the DPP is doing all it can to contest an “uncontrolled referendum.” Chin Heng-wei is a political commentator. Translated by Rita Wang

2021年12月10日 星期五

TPP looking like a pan-blue Trojan Horse

Home Editorials Fri, Dec 10, 2021 page8 TPP looking like a pan-blue Trojan Horse By Chin Heng-wei 金恆煒 Will the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) replace the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) as Taiwan’s second-largest political party? The issue has attracted much attention. Let us begin with a news story. Chu Che-cheng (朱哲成), a TPP legislative candidate in 2019, announced his withdrawal from the party late last month, saying that it is full of aging politicians from the pan-blue camp, “second-generation politicians” and members of former Kaohsiung mayor Han Kuo-yu’s (韓國瑜) clan. “Where have all the pro-local members gone?” he asked. That Chu left the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for the TPP just to leave it again provides an insight into the transformation of TPP Chairman and Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲). After Ko appointed Han supporter Hsieh Li-kung (謝立功) as TPP secretary-general, people began to suspect that Ko’s strategy was to ride the “Han wave.” Later, this suspicion was confirmed with the recruitment of Han supporter Huang Wen-tsai (黃文財) as director of media at TPP headquarters. The party said that Huang was recruited because of his experience working with the media, but his employment adds weight to Chu’s accusation that the TPP is filled with old, pan-blue politicians and the Han clan. Ko has also repeatedly expressed goodwill toward the KMT. Not long ago, Ko visited KMT Institute of Revolutionary Practice director Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強) while he was staging a protest on Taipei’s Ketagalan Boulevard. Not only did Ko present Lo with a pair of blue-and-white flip-flops to symbolize the cooperation between the pan-blue and white camps, but he also appeared on Lo’s live Internet program. During the administration of former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), Lo served as deputy secretary-general of the Presidential Office. By presenting Lo with flip-flops, Ko was clearly trying to curry favor with pan-blue camp supporters, and hint that the KMT and TPP are “brothers in arms.” During six years of partnership and cooperation, Ko was elected Taipei mayor in 2014 with the help of the DPP. However, soon after he was re-elected in 2018, the two sides turned from friends into foes. As Ko is no longer able to attract more votes from the pan-green camp, he must find another means of garnering support. When the KMT quickly lost momentum after the Han wave faded away, Ko seized the chance to capture its votes. If the TPP wants to keep growing, it needs to swallow the KMT bit by bit, and currying favor with Han supporters seems to be the quickest way. Opinion polls conducted by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation show that the KMT and TPP are competing with each other for second spot in public support, and the TPP makes a better impression on voters than the KMT. Founded in 2019, the TPP is still young and fresh compared with the century-old KMT. While the former is likely to grow, the latter is in free fall. Will the TPP swallow the KMT? The possibility cannot be ruled out. Intriguingly, ahead of a referendum later this month — for which the KMT urges “yes” votes on all four questions — the TPP reportedly invited its members to cast a straw poll, and the majority of them also supported “yes” votes on the items, which forced the party leadership to conduct a U-turn. Some media commentators believe this shows that the TPP is turning “blue.” Awash with Han staffers and former KMT members, the TPP appears to be a modern version of the Trojan Horse in ancient Greek mythology. Chin Heng-wei is a political commentator. Translated by Eddy Chang

2021年12月9日 星期四


自由廣場》(金恆煒專欄)四大公投下的民主議題 2021/12/09 05:30 四大公投的攻防正沸沸揚揚的戰鼓喧天,執政的民進黨及在野的國民黨都抱背水一戰的決心,咸認是不可輸的戰爭。 國民黨在野,雖居於正方、攻方,但明顯比不上執政黨有力、有資源,最多只能在話術上猛攻。無論主席朱立倫還是前主席江啟臣都把這次公投定義為「人民」的戰爭;是人民對抗政府。朱立倫說:「民進黨用政府力量和無盡資源與民意對抗。」江啟臣表示:「四大公投若不同意通過,就是人民的失敗。」國民黨炮製「公投代表民意」,卻不盡合乎公投的定義。公投不是「人民」唯一可獨享或壟斷的;行政院、立法院乃至總統都可以交付公投案,二○○四年「入聯公投」,就是陳水扁總統提出的。所以把「公投」定義成「人民vs.政府」,當然是戰術運用,何況「人民」是抽象概念,不是鐵板一塊;人民中有不同階級、利益、族群、價值觀、意識形態等殊異,如何可拿「人民」的虎皮當自己的大旗? 研究公投的學者史密斯(Gordon Smith)把公投分成兩類:一類是「可控制的對不可控制的」(controled vs. uncontrolled);第二類是支持霸權的與反霸權的(pro-hegemonic vs. anti-hegemonic)。公民投票辦或不辦以及何時辦,政府說了算,那就是可控制且屬霸權支配;如由人民創制權所發動,那就可界定為不可控制且反霸權。史密斯的理論與研究顯示前者有利執政黨,後者反是。所以四大公投對民進黨而言,基本上不利。 那麼蔡英文總統在民進黨全代會提出「正面迎戰公投挑戰」,是不是「黨政不分」呢?這是國民黨砲口一致的質問。「黨政不分」在黨國體制下才能成立;國民黨的「黨國」是「一個政黨、一個主義、一個領袖」,而且「黨外無黨、黨內無派」。民主化的台灣如何可能「黨政不分」?民主政治就是政黨政治,政府推動執政黨的政策,理所當然,有什麼黨政不分? 從黨政不分還可以帶上行政中立的問題。四位公投領銜人共同召開記者會,強力斥責民進黨政府在公投上行政不中立。國民黨前主席江啟臣表示:「號稱民主進步黨的執政黨動用行政資源與國家機器,逼公務員辯護」云云。國民黨立委陳雪生以全面拒審預算抗議執政黨在公投時,沒有保持行政中立。民主政治用經濟學家熊彼得的理論,就是爭取人民選票而贏得政治上的決定權。(順便一提,杭廷頓認為熊彼得的民主理論經過三十年的論辯證明正確。)也就是說取得執政權推動的政策,沒有中不中立的問題。四個公投案涉及的是民進黨的政策,民進黨動用所謂「國家機器」宣揚政策,當然符合民主政治下的政治安排。 就反對黨而言,公投案是「反霸權」,對執政黨而言是維護政策;既是宣講政府的政策,當然沒有「公器黨用」的帽子可扣,都符合政黨政治或責任責治。游盈隆用「全黨沆瀣一氣」、謝志偉用「全黨戮力同心」,褒貶不同,只是各行其是而已,其實都不影響執政黨全力對抗此一「不可控制的公投」之客觀事實。 (作者金恒煒為政治評論者;http://wenichin.blogspot.tw/)

2021年12月2日 星期四


自由廣場》(金恆煒專欄)民眾黨會不會取代國民黨? 2021/12/02 05:30 民眾黨會不會吃掉國民黨而成全國第二大黨?這是許多人關注的焦點。 先從一則小新聞說起,曾披掛民眾黨選立委的黨代表朱哲成,日前宣佈「退出民眾黨」,原因是「黨內充斥著一堆老藍男、政二代」,「現在充滿了謝立功、充滿了黃文財、充滿了韓家軍,過去那些年本土派的人跑到哪裡去了?」出身民進黨改投民眾黨的朱哲成又退出民眾黨;這只是民眾黨變遷的小泡沫事件,可以看到柯文哲的變化。 謝立功原是韓國瑜人馬,柯文哲提拔為秘書長,不能說不是志在韓流。接下來愈發證實。另一位韓國瑜人馬黃文財也進入民眾黨黨部,據稱是借重黃在媒體上的經驗。朱哲成指控民眾黨充斥老藍男、韓家軍自是事實。 不只如此,柯文哲不斷向國民黨示好,到凱達格蘭夜訪羅智強,除了送「藍白拖」外,還上了羅智強的直播節目。羅是馬英九人馬,「藍白拖」當然是向國民黨支持者拋媚眼,表示民眾黨與國民黨是難兄難弟黨。 柯文哲與民進黨合作六年,靠民進黨選上市長,連任成功不久,雙方從盟友儼成敵國。拿到的綠票已到頂了;山不轉路轉,韓流熱潮過後,國民黨迅速消退,柯文哲逮到轉進的機會。要繼續壯大非鯨吞蠶食國民黨的藍票不可。討好韓流是最快速的終南捷徑。 柯文哲引老藍男成為高幹主流,目的是向藍色選民招手。要吸收藍票,就得更貼近統派意識形態。在全球民主國家「保台抗中」宣告下,柯文哲執意要辦與中國上海的「雙城論壇」,藉口是:「不要斷在我手裡」;贏得朱立倫讚揚。民眾黨發言人楊寶楨敢大喇喇說:「民進黨政客很怕統一後被清算」云云,注意,發言人嘢!重點不在「清算」,那是假議題,重點在附合中國的「統一」;民眾黨透過發言人把「統一」放在「時程表」上向藍民招手。柯文哲從綠到白到藍到偏紅,這是有跡可尋。 根據台灣民意基金會的民調,民眾黨與國民黨在支持度上力拼亞軍,互有上下,就情感溫度言,民眾黨勝過國民黨。民眾黨是新生政黨,國民黨是百年黨國;前者有無限上昇的可能,後者呈現自然落體的趨勢。民眾黨會不會吃掉國民黨?可能。 但還有一個有趣的現象。四個公投案中,民眾黨黨中央決定「兩好兩壞」,即「反萊豬」與「護藻礁」投下贊成,「重啟核四」與「公投綁大選」投反對票。根據報導,民眾黨在邀請黨員針對四項公投案投票結果,黨員以懸殊比例,反對「兩壞」,支持投贊成票。迫使黨中央急轉彎;「兩好」雖照舊,但「兩壞」轉彎成「兩隨意」。所有媒體咸認民眾黨「藍化」了。 這代表什麼意思?這就是民眾黨的「質變」。黨部高層充斥韓國瑜人馬,黨員部隊也被國民黨黨員攻克,這就是木馬屠城記的現代版本。民眾黨即使吃掉國民黨一躍而成第二大黨,但國民黨支持者大批湧入民眾黨,成為黨內大宗,那麼量變就成質變,根據黨章,黨主席由黨員直接投票產生;民眾黨一旦成為國民黨2.0,柯主席的寶座不見得坐得穩。到時候是民眾黨取代國民黨?還是國民黨吃掉民眾黨?且看下回分曉。  (作者金恒煒為政治評論者;http://wenichin.blogspot.tw/)