2021年9月23日 星期四
2021/09/23 05:30
警方拘提朱姓男子祭出的是所謂「侮辱公署罪」,這個法條藏在刑法一四一條「妨害公務」下的末尾,明顯有違憲之虞;如果堪用,朱成衣商早就法辦了。何況「公署」不是「官衙」,憲法保護言論自由,公民挑戰「公署」之權不容剝奪。美國歷史上有Sedition Act of 1918,明文禁止污辱憲法、三軍、聯邦、總統等,與台灣現在的「侮辱公署罪」無異,美國國會一九二○年廢除此條款。台灣殘留的此一戒嚴尾巴,難道國會還要坐視?
2021年9月16日 星期四
2021/09/16 05:30
2021年9月9日 星期四
2021/09/09 05:30
媒體最先的報導是,趙少康要分裂黨、分裂藍營,自成新勢力。此推論來自趙少康有「分裂黨」的多次前科,第一次是在黨內搞「新國民黨連線」, 一九九三年成立新黨,角逐台北市長,與國民黨提名的黃大洲搶票不遂,新黨的風光很短時間就黯然收斂。趙少康對自己的歷史問題的回應是:李登輝要搞台獨,所以「分裂」有理。其實問題的關鍵在李登輝的高人氣下,只能選擇「離開」一途;盱衡實力,李登輝宛如大樹,要掰倒李主席是不可能的任務,只能落入「蚍蜉撼大樹」的慘境。這回成立「戰鬥藍」,強調不是分裂黨,而是「希望國民黨整個變成有機的戰鬥體」。這句話才是重點。
既不是「分裂」出去,又不能當「地下黨主席」,趙少康要幹什麼?能幹什麼?看他虎虎生風的南北奔波、串連,又是議員,又是立委,其實志在「另立黨中央」;這個黨中央不是制度性的,更像是吸星大法般吸納國民黨 / 藍營於「戰鬥藍」的有機體中,即使黨中央依然在,即使黨主席依然在,透過排擠效用,黨不免只剩空殼子。戰鬥藍的力道一旦壓過黨中央,趙少康就立地成王了。
2021年9月4日 星期六
KMT hopefuls’ focus on deep blue By Chin Heng-wei 金恒煒 Are the candidates in the upcoming Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairperson election simply vying for the party leadership or is it about preparing for the grand prize of the presidency in 2024? According to political logic and the rules of power play, the election for the top job in a political party is to muster the troops for major elections, with the objective of selecting the presidential candidate or primary political power brokers, thereby gaining control over the executive and legislative branches. The KMT has done away with the formula of 30 percent party member votes and 70 percent public opinion polls in the chairperson primary in favor of looking solely at opinion polls, so that it is best placed for gaining the ultimate prize in 2024. However, the two main candidates have clearly set their sights firmly and exclusively on the deep-blue vote within the party, and seem to be unconcerned about votes coming from anywhere else. One needs look no further than how they staged their official registration for the election. Former New Taipei City mayor Eric Chu (朱立倫) made sure he arrived at 10:10am on the dot, a clear reference to Oct. 10, Double Ten National Day, and was flanked by representatives of the Retrocession Alliance formed of members of the KMT’s deep-blue Huang Fu-hsing (黃復興) faction, including retired generals such as former army commander-in-chief Chen Chen-hsiang (陳鎮湘), Central Military Institute and Academy Alumni Association president Chi Lin-liang (季麟連) and Fu Hsing Kang Alumni Foundation president Lee Tien-tuo (李天鐸). Not to be outdone, KMT Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) amassed a veritable constellation of his own, as he was accompanied by representatives from the Military Academy, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, the Political Warfare Cadres Academy, also known as Fu Hsing Kang College, and the National Defense Medical Center. Who exactly were these people? They are hardly household names. None has a sufficiently high national profile to attract votes, and therein lies the rub: The presence of these “heavyweights” will hold no sway beyond military dependents’ villages or the deep-blue vote. Thus, it revealed Chiang’s and Chu’s modest expectations: Their ambition stops at securing the KMT leadership. The party loves to dangle numbers before Taiwanese’s eyes, as evidenced in Chu’s reference to Double Ten National Day and the “seven major policy initiatives,” and Chu’s “five major goals” and “five major promises” if he wins re-election. Of course, there is also Chu’s “823 Artillery Bombardment,” which he claimed for the KMT, saying that it represented how the party defended Taiwan in 1958. He was simply repeating the KMT’s lie about the bombardment of Kinmen and Matsu, which was a farce contrived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the KMT. As former Chinese prime minister Zhou Enlai (周恩來) told former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger: In 1958, then-US secretary of state John Foster Dulles wanted then-president Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) to abandon Kinmen and Matsu to completely sever relations between Taiwan and China, but Chiang Kai-shek refused to do so, due in part to Zhou advising him not to withdraw his troops. The truth is that the bombardment was a sham, an act of cooperation between the CCP and the KMT. Zhou himself used the word “cooperation.” If this is the case, how can what happened be seen as the KMT defending Taiwan? Even more risible are Chu’s comments that not one person from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spilled their blood in the defense of Taiwan. To this I would ask, has Broadcasting Corp of China chairman Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康) ever spilled one drop of his blood defending Taiwan, or spent a day in jail for his political convictions? Has Chu? Has Johnny Chiang? Who exactly is Johnny Chiang trying to kid with his new slogan: “the 1992 consensus based on the Republic of China Constitution”? He has proposed two versions of this slogan in Chinese, but however he phrases it, marrying the corpse that is the Constitution with the lie that is the “1992 consensus” simply does not get Taiwan very far. In February, just after he became KMT chairman, Johnny Chiang was fully prepared, without a second’s hesitation, to bid farewell to the “1992 consensus,” saying that it is outdated, lacks flexibility and is gradually losing the support of Taiwanese. He also said that he himself was a young man of only 20 years when the “consensus” was made, and that “irrespective of whatever ‘consensus’ the two sides of the Taiwan Strait arrived at back then, friends younger than myself need to feel that this ‘consensus’ in some way represents them.” Not even half a year later, with those words still ringing in people’s ears, he has retrieved the discarded concept from the trashcan of history and held it aloft as some kind of rediscovered treasure. The reason he has done so is simple: He wants to use its tarnished allure to secure the deep-blue vote; he wants his slice of former president Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) support. After all, as the appetite for the chairperson election has all but dissipated, he needs all the votes he can get, by hook or by crook. He might well find that his new slogan will come back and bite him in the behind. Truly, the two main KMT chairperson candidates have their mouths full of lies and heads full of cheese. Chin Heng-wei is a political commentator. Translated by Paul Cooper
KMT hopefuls’ focus on deep blue
By Chin Heng-wei 金恒煒
Are the candidates in the upcoming Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairperson election simply vying for the party leadership or is it about preparing for the grand prize of the presidency in 2024?
According to political logic and the rules of power play, the election for the top job in a political party is to muster the troops for major elections, with the objective of selecting the presidential candidate or primary political power brokers, thereby gaining control over the executive and legislative branches.
The KMT has done away with the formula of 30 percent party member votes and 70 percent public opinion polls in the chairperson primary in favor of looking solely at opinion polls, so that it is best placed for gaining the ultimate prize in 2024.
However, the two main candidates have clearly set their sights firmly and exclusively on the deep-blue vote within the party, and seem to be unconcerned about votes coming from anywhere else.
One needs look no further than how they staged their official registration for the election.
Former New Taipei City mayor Eric Chu (朱立倫) made sure he arrived at 10:10am on the dot, a clear reference to Oct. 10, Double Ten National Day, and was flanked by representatives of the Retrocession Alliance formed of members of the KMT’s deep-blue Huang Fu-hsing (黃復興) faction, including retired generals such as former army commander-in-chief Chen Chen-hsiang (陳鎮湘), Central Military Institute and Academy Alumni Association president Chi Lin-liang (季麟連) and Fu Hsing Kang Alumni Foundation president Lee Tien-tuo (李天鐸).
Not to be outdone, KMT Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) amassed a veritable constellation of his own, as he was accompanied by representatives from the Military Academy, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, the Political Warfare Cadres Academy, also known as Fu Hsing Kang College, and the National Defense Medical Center.
Who exactly were these people? They are hardly household names. None has a sufficiently high national profile to attract votes, and therein lies the rub: The presence of these “heavyweights” will hold no sway beyond military dependents’ villages or the deep-blue vote.
Thus, it revealed Chiang’s and Chu’s modest expectations: Their ambition stops at securing the KMT leadership.
The party loves to dangle numbers before Taiwanese’s eyes, as evidenced in Chu’s reference to Double Ten National Day and the “seven major policy initiatives,” and Chu’s “five major goals” and “five major promises” if he wins re-election.
Of course, there is also Chu’s “823 Artillery Bombardment,” which he claimed for the KMT, saying that it represented how the party defended Taiwan in 1958.
He was simply repeating the KMT’s lie about the bombardment of Kinmen and Matsu, which was a farce contrived by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the KMT.
As former Chinese prime minister Zhou Enlai (周恩來) told former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger: In 1958, then-US secretary of state John Foster Dulles wanted then-president Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) to abandon Kinmen and Matsu to completely sever relations between Taiwan and China, but Chiang Kai-shek refused to do so, due in part to Zhou advising him not to withdraw his troops.
The truth is that the bombardment was a sham, an act of cooperation between the CCP and the KMT. Zhou himself used the word “cooperation.”
If this is the case, how can what happened be seen as the KMT defending Taiwan?
Even more risible are Chu’s comments that not one person from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spilled their blood in the defense of Taiwan.
To this I would ask, has Broadcasting Corp of China chairman Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康) ever spilled one drop of his blood defending Taiwan, or spent a day in jail for his political convictions? Has Chu? Has Johnny Chiang?
Who exactly is Johnny Chiang trying to kid with his new slogan: “the 1992 consensus based on the Republic of China Constitution”?
He has proposed two versions of this slogan in Chinese, but however he phrases it, marrying the corpse that is the Constitution with the lie that is the “1992 consensus” simply does not get Taiwan very far.
In February, just after he became KMT chairman, Johnny Chiang was fully prepared, without a second’s hesitation, to bid farewell to the “1992 consensus,” saying that it is outdated, lacks flexibility and is gradually losing the support of Taiwanese.
He also said that he himself was a young man of only 20 years when the “consensus” was made, and that “irrespective of whatever ‘consensus’ the two sides of the Taiwan Strait arrived at back then, friends younger than myself need to feel that this ‘consensus’ in some way represents them.”
Not even half a year later, with those words still ringing in people’s ears, he has retrieved the discarded concept from the trashcan of history and held it aloft as some kind of rediscovered treasure.
The reason he has done so is simple: He wants to use its tarnished allure to secure the deep-blue vote; he wants his slice of former president Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) support.
After all, as the appetite for the chairperson election has all but dissipated, he needs all the votes he can get, by hook or by crook.
He might well find that his new slogan will come back and bite him in the behind.
Truly, the two main KMT chairperson candidates have their mouths full of lies and heads full of cheese.
Chin Heng-wei is a political commentator.
Translated by Paul Cooper
2021年9月3日 星期五
2021/09/02 05:30
高端是不是兩個「剛好」才成為民進黨成績?再用高鐵當例子。如果馬英九執政會不會啟動高鐵工程?如果腦中一味「廢鐵」心態,台灣怎可能會有高鐵?如果當初低貶高鐵只是酸葡萄,那也正好指涉朱立倫現在的阿Q心態。台灣之有高端,不是橫空出世,能取得美國國衛院「授權合約」,其實拜政府努力之賜。政府預先向高端及聯亞各預購五百萬劑,那是定心丸。朱立倫兩個「剛好」之後又補上「倉促」,愛恨交加,更不可掩。台灣投資疫苗,相較美國砸重金,小款代誌。美國前總統川普打出「曲速行動」(Operation Warp Speed),投下上百億美金,通過衛生與公共服務部、國防部合作,資助多家藥廠研發疫苖,才有今天的成效。
2021年9月2日 星期四
2021/09/02 05:30
高端是不是兩個「剛好」才成為民進黨成績?再用高鐵當例子。如果馬英九執政會不會啟動高鐵工程?如果腦中一味「廢鐵」心態,台灣怎可能會有高鐵?如果當初低貶高鐵只是酸葡萄,那也正好指涉朱立倫現在的阿Q心態。台灣之有高端,不是橫空出世,能取得美國國衛院「授權合約」,其實拜政府努力之賜。政府預先向高端及聯亞各預購五百萬劑,那是定心丸。朱立倫兩個「剛好」之後又補上「倉促」,愛恨交加,更不可掩。台灣投資疫苗,相較美國砸重金,小款代誌。美國前總統川普打出「曲速行動」(Operation Warp Speed),投下上百億美金,通過衛生與公共服務部、國防部合作,資助多家藥廠研發疫苖,才有今天的成效。
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